Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sparkly Nails!!

Ok, so what girl doesn't like a little sparkle every now and again??  Today's post is all about sparkle, and this is a design that I have been doing on my own nails for a long time now.  It is super cute and super easy! See the finished product below!

It is hard to tell, but it is a royal purple nail polish with silver and pink sparkles that gradually go from the bottom of the nail to the top of the nail! Here are the polishes that I used:

So I first applied the purple base.  This is pretty straight forward.

Once that color dried, I started to apply my glitter.  I like to use two different glitter polishes because it gives it a nice gradient effect.  I started with the silver glitter but dabbing a little at the base of the nail.  I wipe off any excess polish from the brush and slowly brush the glitter up so it fades as it reaches the top of the nail.

Now I take the pink glitter and do the same thing. The pink glitter that I used was a bigger glitter than the silver (if that makes sense), so it gives a cool effect.

When it is all dry, you add a top coat, and you are done! My pictures do not do them justice on here, so I will post a new one on my facebook page when I get a good one!  Enjoy!

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